

CSEC Management


Associate Director

Support Staff

Name Role/Research Interests
Miss Katalin Kis CSEC Superintendent and Safety Officer
M. CSEC Secretary Secretary

Academic Staff

Name School Role/Research Interests
Prof. Graeme Ackland Physics and Astronomy
Prof. J. Paul Attfield Chemistry High pressure materials synthesis
Prof. Euan Brechin Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Magnetism, High Pressure Science.
Dr Geoffrey Bromiley GeoSciences High pressure experimental mineralogy and petrology
Mr Edmond Chan Physics and Astronomy
Dr Laura Charlton Engineering
Prof. Charles Cockell Physics and Astronomy Life in extreme environments, microbe-mineral interactions, habitability of extratererstrial environments
Dr James Cumby Chemistry Structure and Electronic Properties of Transition Metal Oxides
Dr Valentina Erastova Chemistry
Prof. Eugene Gregoryanz Physics and Astronomy
Dr Andreas Hermann Physics and Astronomy Computational Materials Physics
Dr Claire Hobday Chemistry
Dr Louise Horsfall BioSciences
Dr Ross Howie Physics and Astronomy
Prof. Andrew Huxley Physics and Astronomy
Prof. Konstantin Kamenev Engineering
Dr Caroline Kirk Chemistry
Dr Tetsuya Komabayashi GeoSciences
Dr Emiko Komabayashi GeoSciences
Prof. Vasileios Koutsos Engineering Materials Design, Processing and Characterisation
Dr Dominique Laniel Physics and Astronomy
Dr Ingo Loa Physics and Astronomy Experimental and Computational Materials Physics; high pressure; crystallography; lattice dynamics
Dr John Loveday Physics and Astronomy
Dr Miguel Martinez-Canales Physics and Astronomy Computational study of materials at extreme pressure
Dr Christopher McDermott GeoSciences
Prof. Malcolm McMahon Physics and Astronomy
Dr Stewart McWilliams Physics and Astronomy High pressure, high temperature materials science; planetary science; shock physics.
Prof. Carole Morrison Chemistry
Prof. Andrew Mount Chemistry
Dr Naomi Nakayama BioSciences
Dr Fabio Nudelman Chemistry
Prof. Simon Parsons Chemistry
Prof. Colin Pulham Chemistry High-pressure studies of energetic materials, pharmaceuticals, fuels, and lubricants
Prof. Neil Robertson Chemistry
Dr Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrillón Engineering
Dr John Royer Physics and Astronomy
Dr George Serghiou Engineering
Dr Christopher Stock Physics and Astronomy
Dr Filipe Teixeira-Dias Engineering Impact and structural dynamics, ballistics and blast waves, high strain rate material behaviour, computational mechanics, composite and cellular materials, applied and solid mechanics
Dr Willem Vanderlinden Physics and Astronomy
Dr Jerome Woodwark GeoSciences
Prof. Ying Zheng Engineering Chemical Engineering

Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Name School Role/Research Interests
Dr Ian Butler GeoSciences Experimental Geochemistry
Dr Michael Capeness BioSciences
Ms Monica Chandwani Chandwani Chemistry
Dr Laura Charlton Engineering
Dr Matthew Duff Physics and Astronomy
Dr Virginia Echavarri-Bravo BioSciences Investigating the possible applications of metallic nanoparticles synthesised by microorganisms
Dr Matthew Edmundson BioSciences
Mr Ian Eggington BioSciences
Dr Shivani Grover Chemistry
Dr Sean Injac Chemistry
Dr Kunlang Ji Chemistry
Ms Guratinder Kaur Physics and Astronomy
Dr Mikhail Kuzovnikov Physics and Astronomy
Dr Joshua Levinsky Chemistry
Dr Akun Liang Physics and Astronomy
Dr Gurusaran Manickam BioSciences
Dr Tomas Marqueno Villanueva Physics and Astronomy
Mr Bernhard Massani Physics and Astronomy
Dr Oleg Nerushev Chemistry Lubricants Under Pressure
Dr Israel Osmond Physics and Astronomy
Dr Miriam Pena Alvarez Physics and Astronomy
Dr Ciprian Pruteanu Physics and Astronomy
Dr Saminathan Ramakrishnan Physics and Astronomy
Dr Umbertoluca Ranieri Physics and Astronomy
Dr Mukesh Singh Chemistry
Mr Christian Viktor Storm Physics and Astronomy
Dr Anna Toth Physics and Astronomy
Dr Angelos Tsanai Chemistry
Dr Jinwei Yan Physics and Astronomy

Postgraduate Students

Name School Role/Research Interests
Mrs Mbayer Abunku Engineering
Miss Eleftheria Agapaki Chemistry
Mrs Aziza Almadhi Chemistry
Mr Matthew Aquilina Engineering
Miss Aiman Arif Engineering
Mr James Aston Physics and Astronomy
Ms Orianna Ball Physics and Astronomy
Miss Sarah Bolton Physics and Astronomy
Mr Samuel Brown Physics and Astronomy
Mr Alex Campbell Chemistry
Mr Ri Cao GeoSciences
Mr Edmond Chan Physics and Astronomy
Mr Aaron Chan Chemistry
Mr Lewis Clough Chemistry
Mr Peter Cooke Physics and Astronomy
Ms Eugenia Delacou Physics and Astronomy
Ms Ellie Dempsey Chemistry
Mr Milo Dixon Physics and Astronomy
Mr James Dodd Engineering
Mr Jude Ferrier
Mr Miguel Garcia Vazquez Engineering
Mr Stewart Gault Physics and Astronomy
Mr Nathan Giles-Donovan Physics and Astronomy
Miss Sabrina Hardy Physics and Astronomy
Ms Jenny Harnett Physics and Astronomy
Ms Yasmin Hitchin Engineering
Ms Mylaine Holin Physics and Astronomy
Ms Chi Cheng (Cecilia) Hong Chemistry
Mr Dominick Hu Chemistry
Mr Jonathan Hunt Physics and Astronomy Anharmonic Lattice Dynamics
Ms Hannah Jones Engineering
Mr Patryk Kanadys Physics and Astronomy
Miss Maya Khela Physics and Astronomy
Mr Marcin Kirsz Physics and Astronomy
Mr Charles Lamb Physics and Astronomy
Mr Hector Leong Physics and Astronomy
Mr Tianxin Liang Chemistry
Ms Hannah Logan Chemistry
Mr Cameron Lonsdale Physics and Astronomy
Mr Dilraj Mankoo Chemistry
Miss Isolde Marsland
Mr Bernhard Massani Physics and Astronomy
Ms Simona Mazzone Engineering
Mr James McHardy Physics and Astronomy
Miss Patricija Mendelyte
Mr Michael Milton Chemistry
Miss Kate Mitchell Chemistry
Mr Thomas Obey
Miss Leopoldine Parczanny Physics and Astronomy
Ms Phillippa Partridge Chemistry
Mr Auro Patnaik Physics and Astronomy
Mr Saabir Petker Chemistry
Dr Melanie Podbielski BioSciences
Ms Tereza Prokopová Physics and Astronomy UG Student
Ms Matilda Rhodes Chemistry
Miss Cerian Robertson Physics and Astronomy
Mr Olin Robinson Physics and Astronomy
Mr Calum Sangster
Ms Hannah Shuttleworth Physics and Astronomy
Mr James Spender Physics and Astronomy
Mr Callum Stevens Physics and Astronomy
Mr Christian Storm Physics and Astronomy
Mr Calum Strain Physics and Astronomy
Mr Matthew Sutton Engineering
Mr Yifei Tang Physics and Astronomy
Mr Samuel Thompson GeoSciences
Mr Bhaskar Tiwari Chemistry
Mr Zak Towle BioSciences
Mr Antonios Valavanis Engineering
Ms Yazhini Vinoth Kumar Engineering
Ms Annemiek Waajen Physics and Astronomy
Ms Mengnan Wang Physics and Astronomy
Miss Xiuming Wei Engineering
Mr Cameron Wilson Chemistry
Ms Lucinda Wilson Chemistry
Mr Gavin Woolman Physics and Astronomy Primarily I use density functional theory (DFT) to investigate the thermoelectric properties of semiconductors. I also have an interest in high pressure physics, and material transport properties in general.
Mr Chenhao Wu Chemistry
Miss Zena Younes Physics and Astronomy
Miss Qian Zhang Physics and Astronomy
Mr Chulin Zhang Chemistry

Visiting Scientists, Attached Scientists and Honorary Fellows

Name School Role/Research Interests
Dr Stephen Elphick GeoSciences
Dr Natalia Gomez-Perez Physics and Astronomy
Mr Martin Gorman Physics and Astronomy
Dr Malcolm Guthrie Physics and Astronomy High Pressure
Prof. Christopher Hall Engineering Engineering Materials
Prof. Andrew Harrison Chemistry Honorary Professor - School of Chemistry
Prof. Ben Harte GeoSciences Minerals and Melts in the Earth's Interior
Mr Takayuki Nagai Chemistry
Prof. Richard Nelmes Physics and Astronomy Professor of Crystallography & Senior Visiting Fellow at the ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Prof. Chrystele Sanloup Physics and Astronomy Condensed Matter and Photonics/Hard Condensed Matter
Prof. Lindsay Sawyer BioSciences Protein biochemistry at high pressure
Mr Sean Stankovic Chemistry
Dr Xiaoming Wang Chemistry
Dr Yao Yuan Chemistry

CSEC Associate Members

Name Affiliation
Dr Scott Dalgarno School of Chemical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Mr Martin Gorman
Prof. Stephen Hill Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, US
Prof. Mark Murrie School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, UK
Dr Mike Probert School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, UK
Dr Rafael Valiente Department of Applied Physics, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain